I have been gone for so long that I no longer know how to post a blog! Blogger totally revamped their... everything, and i have no idea what to do anymore. So let's hope that this works.
Most of the people here know that Chavo and I have been engaged since September, and the people that know me in real life know that I'm also graduating in 2 weeks. So let the games begin! Anyway, enough excusing myself for being an absentee blogger.
Today is my little brother's senior prom. Let me tell you how weird that is. Today's my little brother's senior prom!! I'm literally looking across my bedroom at a framed yearbook picture I have of him in kindergarten. He's going with his girlfriend of maybe forever (a yearish? I dunno) and it's really cool.
And then, he is graduating high school! My baby brother is graduating high school and going into the army! You can't even fathom how proud I am of him. Not just that he is going into the army, but he is making real scary, adult decisions. He's graduating from high school, and I couldn't be more thrilled for him. I know he's super-ready to be done with high school. Aren't we all?!
My parents' house is subject to many changes right now. Their son is graduating high school and going into the army, and their daughter is graduating college and getting married. We're both moving away. And what are my parents' doing whenever they have an empty nest? They're going on a vacation to Alaska! They're getting ready to go on a ton of adventures together, and I hope they send me postcards so I can put them on a bulletin board and talk about how cool my parents are.
The house looks almost completely different than it did a year ago. Every time I leave the house, they've done some sort of improvement. As we speak, there is a stranger laying tiles in my brother's bathroom. The front door has been painted 2 or 3 times. My bedroom furniture is all gone. The guest room is totally different. The "children's den" is now a media room for my brother to play videogames to his heart's content. The front bathroom has a brand new ceiling, since my brother tried to put in a gravity-powered elevator (he fell through the ceiling while going into the attic, and that'll be a story told at every Thanksgiving for the rest of forever). The whole house looks different, and everything is changing.
But it's a good kind of change. I feel good about it. Little brother is doing what he wants with his life, I'm doing what I want, and my parents are doing all of the things they said they would do together. I'm so excited for what God has in store for our family. It's going to be so awesome!
In 4 days, Chavo is done with school.
In 7 days, all of mine and Chavo's things are getting moved into our apartment.
In 13 days, I'm done with school.
In 19 days, my brother is graduating from high school. I'll be the nutball with the cowbell at the ceremony.
In 49 days, Chavo and I are getting married.
And in 59 days, my little brother is leaving for Ft. Benning, GA to do his army thing!
What am I doing? Sitting here, writing this blog! I have to go get ready!