Today, I did something I've never done before...
Dun dun DUUUUN! I got acrylic nails. So let this be my disclaimer, I am always a huge fan of correct spelling, but my nails are now twice the length they used to be... virtually in half an hour, so if you find some spelling mistakes and feel the urge to tell me, just know that I will laugh in your face and never speak to you again....
Not really, but I just don't care. ;) But with that said:
I don't know about you guys, but this week has been stress to the max. With work, school, homework, more work, getting caught up with new friends, and taking one giant leap out of my comfort zone (more on that later), I'm exhausted!
On Wednesday, I did another thing that I've never done before. I translated... for money. Yeah, that's right, someone paid me to speak in spanish. And I about had a panic attack over it Tuesday night. Luckily, Chavo helped me cash that spanish-speaking check that my english-speaking butt couldn't. But it went fine. And I made cash and did some retail therapy. And they even said they would call me back! I hope it wasn't a "you were terrible and we're never going to speak to you again, I'm deleting your number as we speak" and an actual "we'll call you back because we need a translator and you speak more spanish than we do".
But that's not what I want this blog to be about. I want this to be a chance to say what hyou need to. Maybe that's to vent, maybe its a chance to brag on yourself (without sounding like a total D-Bag), maybe its a chance to take a deep breath and not say anything. But after this, you know what's going to happen, you're going to go back out there, refreshed and ready to say "Hey Life? Bring it!" Then you're going to take your happy-butt and go translate for those Salvadorians again.... Wait... That was just me. What were we talking about again?
Oh yeah, pep talk. But I'm no good at those. SO, I recommend everyone with 5 well-needed minutes to chill to listen to this right here: No, I don't care if you've heard it before, listen to it again, and listen good. Its important. I'm going to listen to it too.
Take a chill pill. September is here. Spending time stressing over it is not enjoying the precious time that God gives you on this Earth.
Let me know what's going on. I miss hearing from everyone. How was your day? And how did you like the video?
-Ginger Spice
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