Monday, October 3, 2011

Being "That Girl"

Today is the start of Midterm Week. That's right, folks: we can no longer make the excuse that we don't have time to do anything because its the beginning of the semester. We are at the official middle of the semester, suckas!
The good news for me is that I only have two midterms this week, so I'm driving to Houston to pick up the Chavo. I'm pretty excited about it.

But anyway, I am sitting in the middle of the quad on this warm with a cool breeze kind of day, thinking about that fun little April post about the terrible terrible thing that happened. If you haven't read it, its kind of the highlight of my blog, and it will greatly entertain you when my other posts do not.
For a while after the terrible thing happened, I was known as “that girl”. You know. “That girl that blogs when embarrassing things happen to her” or “That girl that showed her butt to the whole quad” or “that redheaded girl that belched herself into oblivion after pulling her dress back down” or “that girl that cried in class because her professor yelled at her”. Yeah. And one thing I've noticed about when I get upset and start crying hysterically is that I say I really don't want to be “that girl”. I never want to be “that girl”.

I just realized this, but I am that girl. I make my own definition of that girl, and I am her.
I am that girl:

...who cries in public when people embarrass her.

… who talks incessantly about Guatemala.

… who wears a dress to the drugstore because its laundry day and she refuses to go to CVS in her pajamas.

… who will eat popcorn and dry cereal for dinner so she doesn't have to go to the grocery store for a few more days.

… who blogs for no other reason but to blog.

… who gets her inspiration for anything by watching a movie about it. Don't mess with me after I watch the Karate Kid.

… who prays that God lets Chavo know what a jerk he's being, when I'm the one that's being a jerk.

… who calls her mama when she makes a bad grade.

… who holds her nose prematurely when she got baptized.

… who doesn't like songs where the singer says her name, because it makes me feel weird. (I am not Nicki Minaj, and my name is not Carrie, so I'm not very fly oh-my, its a little bit scary.)

… who bakes on big exam weeks so she has something to procrastinate with. Brownies instead of international law. Cookies instead of American foreign policy. Cupcakes instead of politics of poverty.

… who gives really lame excuses when she doesn't do something.

… who got engaged really really young.

… who will argue you into the ground on immigration policies.

… who calls her mom when she feels the slightest bit sick.

… who still calls her father “daddy”.

… who calls God “daddy” sometimes in prayer when I'm feeling really informal.

… whose main grocery trip is based on lunchables and pop tarts.

… who was always the perky drive-thru girl at starbucks, even at 6 am.

The list goes on and on. I am “that girl”. Its horribly embarrassing sometimes, but it is who I am. And while I may not be the most likeable girl on this planet, I can think of a few people that at least can tolerate it. Its working for me, being who I am. I hope that being you is working for you. I'm sure it is.

Are you “that boy” or “that girl”? What makes you it?


  1. Yes I am, and I like you very much, I will marry "that girl" even if it the last thing I do in my life.

  2. You're so sweet. :) I love you, Chavo!

  3. 1. I can't handle the amount of adorable in Chavo's comment.
    2. I love THIS girl. :)
    3. If you don't mind me ripping your idea, I may do a 'that girl' post, too. I need it...
