Friday, December 16, 2011

Why am I hiding?

Get ready, because if you're not expecting me to be really really real right now, you might want to look at my G rated facebook wall. Because it's about to get rill up in here.

I went and got Johnny's Pizza with a friend today (might I add that this is the best crack-riddled pizza that you could ever feast upon), and I got to talking with her about social networking.

I told her how I've been wanting to be more anonymous on the internet. Everything I do is connected to facebook, and everyone I know is ON facebook. That means: my parents, the Chavo, people from Guatemala that know me as somewhat of a missionary (or not), people from my church, past teachers from high school, parents' friends, etc etc. I love all these people a lot. I really do. I would never even consider "unfriending" them because they're really cool.

But let's get real: I can't be totally honest with them. I can't be in a conversation with them and say "You know what just pisses me off?" or say anything that can be even remotely PG-13. The only person that I even feel the slightest bit safe cursing in front of is my mom (oddly enough). My mom and I are super close, and she knows that when I get angry, I'm not just going to pretend that everything is sunshine and rainbows and pretty daisys that smell like chocolate cake.

Chavo doesn't even like it when I get ummm "R-rated mad". I've only gotten R-rated mad while on the phone with him twice... EVER. One time was 2 nights ago when I was so angry that I was literally laying on my bedroom floor, sobbing like an idiot, a cursing the existence of one of my professors (don't ask). And I even finished my "upset" by apologizing and blubbering like an idiot.

But anyways, I was telling my friend, over delicious pizza, that I want to be more anonymous so I can say things that I truly feel. And not even negative things either, just things! Like, how I really want to be able to talk to someone about someone that's gay and not have to say "Yeah, they're gay, but they're really cool." Or talk about my sociology class (Gender and Violence, its crazy awesome) without worrying that they're going to get mad that I just said the word "vagina" out loud and it reached their happy, clean ears. Come on y'all. Its a word for a body part that half of the world has, its not a bad word...

So, here's the deal, I don't want to be more anonymous. I want people to KNOW my true feelings on things. I want people to know that I don't think the world is black and white, that people are good or bad, stupid or smart, but that God made you beautiful exactly how you are. I want people to know that I get crazy offended and angry when people say "I think that if you come to America, you have to speak english," like that girl at the nail salon yesterday. I want people to know, especially in my hometown, that while I consider myself a "moderate conservative", sometimes I have liberal thoughts and that does not make me a devil-worshipping, absinthe-drinking, not-leg-shaving crazy person! I want people to know that "liberal" and "conservative" are not synonyms or antonyms for "right" and "wrong" or "bad" and "good".

I am a person! I am Ginger Spice-Valerie Wade and I am a human being with thoughts and feelings. And even if they are different from yours sometimes, we are both still human beings and we should expect to be treated as such. I will NOT be anonymous. I will be tactful and know that some things should be left unsaid (like telling the girl at the nail salon that I want to choke her), but that does not mean that I am going to be silent and pretend that everything in the world is perfect. If this world were perfect, we wouldn't need Jesus. If this world were perfect, Jesus wouldn't have even come once, much less come again. But Jesus made me, just like he made you, fellow human. Jesus went to the cripples, the whores, the blind, the sick, the needing, the seeking, the children, the thieves, the tax-collectors, people that are just as much God's creations as anyone else.

Stop demonizing people that disagree with you and start treating everybody like they are human beings that are just as much God's creation as you! Just because someone or something doesn't fit inside a nice, neat, little box doesn't mean they aren't worth listening to or loving. Then maybe people wouldn't be scared to speak up and be honest with people. I don't want to live in fear that someone is going to find out who I really am. I don't want people to think I am unloveable because I struggle with food, or doubt, or lust, or anything else that is a real, honest-to-God, problem.

This post got a lot more real than I even planned for it, but I feel better knowing some of the things I said. Because it's the truth, and I don't want to put up some sort of fake, flowery persona of someone that I don't want to be. I am real, raw woman, and I refuse to hide behind sparkly Christmas tinsel and some fake blog because I want this world's love more than God's.

This is real.


  1. I feel you girl! I went through this exact same thing earlier this year. My blog started out as anonymous and on twitter only. Then came the conviction.... So I prayed about it, clenched my teeth crossed my fingers and finally "came out" of my blogging closet. It's been so freeing to let me be me.

    I'm so proud of you! You won't regret this! :)

  2. Great post, Valerie. I was not offended or even surprised at your comments. Sometimes I actually feel the same way but being a middle-aged grandmother it's usually not acceptable to rant and rave about certain subjects, but I feel strongly about many of the subjects that you speak of. Your comments about your Mom are admirable and having worked with her for many years, I see where you're coming from - I hope my daughters are just as comfortable speaking their minds to me. Excellent commentary!

  3. Thanks for being real. Its refreshing.

  4. I love your spirit. Get it girl! Way to be transparent. God is working through you.

  5. Just wanted to say that you rock for writing this post. I was following your story on PSC, and I love your spirit. Good for you for shedding the cloak of anonymity (ironic I know, given that I'm posting as Anonymous, but I'm not willing to take mine off just yet ;) ) and deciding to speak up for yourself without feeling like you need to censor yourself, especially around those who just want to judge.

    But I do find it sad that in the area you live in, you feel pressured to say stuff like this: "He's gay, but he's really cool." Like, why does the fact that he's gay matter at all? Someone can be cool and gay, and the fact that you have to defend a gay person by saying "But WAIT, he's actually really cool" says that the people around you perhaps need to get off their high horses and actually get to know the people around them, instead of judging with labels like "liberal" "gay" whatever.
