Friday, January 13, 2012

I love you, I hate you, I'm tired, shut up, want a sandwich?

It's coming up on the last few days of break. The last few days of the last winter break before my last semester as an undergraduate. And all I have to say is:

thank God.

Holy goodness gracious great balls of fire, I'm SO ready for this semester to be over already. I know it's going to go by fast with all the millions of things I have to do to get ready for the wedding and being married to the Chavo.

Which brings back to my topic.

So it's the end of break. The Chavo and I got to spend 3 awesome weeks together before he had to go back to the Seminary for work. That's seriously the longest time he and I have spent together since the last Guatemala trip (6 months ago, but who's counting, really? Oh, yeah, me). And because we both spend a lot of time in school, we get time together, but in short little bursts over the course of a couple of months.

But over the course of these 3 weeks, a lot of cool things happened: Chavo had his very first Christmas in the US with my family. We ate roughly a ton of food between the two of us. We got bedding and a crock pot, as well as a bunch of pots and pans (which I'm hoping I will eventually learn how to look with, considering my specialties are cupcakes, sandwiches, and bowls of cereal). We spent a lot of time with my family. We spent New Years with my friend Brittany and I didn't have to go to the emergency room afterwards. And lots of other things. It was nice!

I got to go with Chavo to Fort Worth for a few days last weekend. It was really nice. We took separate cars because he would be staying and I would be driving back, so he didn't get to see the lovely little mood swing see-saw I did on the way into town. As we drove into Arlington, I kind of started to wig out. Like, panic. Not because of the traffic (albeit horrifying all on its own).

In just a few short months, I'm going to be LIVING there. In Fort Worth. As in, not Louisiana. At least 5 hours away from places that I can navigate without a GPS or Mapquest. People cheer for the Cowboys there. Yeah, I just heard a whole bunch of readers grown. Truthfully, I don't care about football. I just know I'm supposed to groan when someone mentions the Cowboys. But anyways, I love Louisiana. I'm going to miss it a lot. I'm going to miss living in south LA for sure.

Fort Worth, though, doesn't look like it's going to be this terrible monster that eats young redheaded women for breakfast. There's lots to do there. Chavo's there. I've already started to make friends (I hope), and I'm beginning to learn my way around. I won't have to tie a ball of yarn to the back of my car to find my way back to the apartment! It snows sometimes, which means I won't be a big ball of grump whenever it gets cold, because it'll actually snow. I hope the transition into living in.... will be an easy one. I guess it would probably be a good thing if I could actually say it.

I'm going to move to Texas. I'm going to live in Texas.

There, I said it. I guess it's not so bad. I like the people. It's just not Louisiana. They don't get out for Mardi Gras there! Do they throw hurricane parties? Do they make gumbo? I'm scared. But I'm fully prepared to bring a little bit of my Louisiana culture to Fort Worth. I'll make king cakes and gumbo (once I learn how) and we'll watch Princess and the Frog. It'll be great!

My biggest concern and prayer request right now is finding a job in Fort Worth. I would really like to teach, and I'm not opposed to getting certified. I'm applying right now to a certification program so I can teach in a public school. But I'm really nervous, y'all. I'm worried about failing. Worried about being able to make ends meet. Worried about not being able to find a job at all. Just all-around worried. If you could pray for that, I would be very appreciative.

Anybody got a good recipe for gumbo? ;)


  1. I don't pray since I don't go to church and haven't really become attached to any religion to speak of so I don't think I am quite qualified to do that. However, you will be in my thoughts and I hope that you find success. Transitioning can be one of the toughest things to endure, but stay strong you can do it. You seem to be a person of great character, I know that you will find your way. Good luck!

    P.S. - mmmmm.. gumbo.

  2. Thank you very much, for the thoughts and the compliment. Best of luck to you in your life as well. :)

  3. Aw sweets! You'll be awesome! I've already prayed for you to find the exact job that God wants for you. Moving is scary fun.

    Or I should say Scary. Fun.

    You, my friend, are gonna have so much freaking fun. It will be scary, but after the first 2 weeks of married life are down it get's tons better! OH OH! You have to get e-mealz. They made married life SO SO much easier. I signed up when I first got married and it was so worth it for the first year. It gives you a grocery list AND a menu. HALLELUJAH!

  4. Oooh! I'll have to sign up for that. Sounds like something I would need, most definitely. You're a sweetheart! Missing you a lot down here!
