Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gummy Vitamins and Floss: The Day I Became an Adult

Passively justifying posting 3 days in a row, I probably won't blog for the next few days. Because I'm visiting my boyfriend, the Chavo. And for those who don't know what a Chavo is, I suggest you go youtube "Chavo del Ocho". You might need subtitles, but its the funniest really old TV show there is. It just also happens to be in spanish.

Chavo is in the seminary right now, so we got a nice little long-distance relationship going. We get to see each other about once a month. This weekend is just particularly exciting because I get to see one of his Master Chorale Concerts! Yippee! If I didn't have to be dressed up, I would totally paint a white t-shirt with "Master Chorale Groupie" on it (just because I love irony, and calling myself a groupie of a Seminary Choir would fulfill my irony quota for the week).

Anyway, today is something that I have to tell you about me. I sometimes like to get out of responsibilities because I'm still technically a teenager. Just a few more months left before I turn 20! Santas vacas, Batman!
So, yes, I'm 19. And Chavo likes to make fun of me when I don't do things that adults should do. Here's an actual conversation that we've had:

Me: Do you floss?
Chavo: Yes, why?
Me: You do? Like, every day?
C: Yes, everyday. You don't?
Me: No! I'll never floss. Ever. I've even straight-up told my dentist that I will never start flossing.
C: Oh, you should. You really should always floss. Every day. You can skip a day brushing your teeth, but don't ever skip flossing. I can tell the different when I don't do it.
Me: No, you can't.
C: No, really! You can tell!

This conversation went on for a long time. But for the sake of brevity, I'll tell you that that night, I took boyfriend at his word and I flossed! And guess what, my gums bled. Like, a lot. It made me want to go spit blood on his shoes in a defiant "Look what you made me do!" kind of loogy. But I'm a little more mature than that. So instead, I whined for about 10 minutes. But I flossed that night. And the next night. And the next night.

And I'll have you know, I have flossed every day since then. And I'm pretty sure that was well over a month ago. Aren't you proud?

Well, in a moment of feeling proud of making it to maturity (like its a pretty picture you hang on the fridge), I went and bought vitamins. Chavo suggested I get them because they're supposedly GOOD FOR YOU! Ah, bollocks. I don't believe him. But I saw the perfect compromise.

One-A-Day gummy vitamins. The perfect combination of adulthood and immaturity. Its like a molding of Chavo and myself into a perfect little strawberry-shaped gummy. And I take them every day. And they're yummy. Maybe one day I'll graduate to real "pill vitamins". But hey, baby steps, people!!! I'm already flossing, what more do you want?

Taking steps toward maturity, but I'll never truly get there. After all, we have to grow old, but we never have to grow up! And like a true Southern woman, I'm going to fight both of those tooth-and-nail!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I laughed. A lot. I also don't floss...or take vitamins, but don't tell my dad. :P I can hear you saying all of this, and it makes me miss you. Can't wait to see you! -bug
